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Livestock breeders demand increased support for fodder

Several livestock breeders gathered at the Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources Headquarters Sunday morning, to demand an increase in the support by the authority to ensure the sustainability of livestock.

They added this support will provide food security for red meat, especially in the face of global crises, and high cost of transportation; first due to the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic and now the war between Russia and Ukraine, reports a local Arabic daily.

A member of the Livestock Breeders Association, Jamal Al-Wasaidi, told the daily that the livestock sector has vast economic importance and moreover a large number of citizens who are livestock breeders are retirees and those with limited income.

He indicated that they suffered a lot after the prices of fodder were hiked which means the support they received from PAAAFR was symbolic and to add insult to injury the share of subsidized disbursed to breeders gave birth to the black market for fodder and this situation incurred significant losses on the breeders.

Al-Wasaidi added that the breeders met the Deputy Director-General of PAAAFR for Livestock Affairs Mishaal Al-Qarifa, and they reviewed the most important challenges facing breeders, and demanded an increase in feed support and the separation of livestock breeders from the Agriculture, Poultry and Cows Authority, and that the support should be allocated to livestock breeders only.

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