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Less than 1% increase of Kuwaitis in labor market annually

The percentage of Kuwaitis in the labor market reached 22.2 percent, according to the latest official figures, indicating that the rate of increase is less than 1 percent annually, during the past five years, since the implementation of the replacement plan in 2017, which succeeded in achieving the bulk of its goals. Represented by Kuwaitization of jobs in government agencies, according to specific percentages.

According to the statistics of the Central Department of Statistics on the labor market situation on September 30, 2022 the number of Kuwaitis working in the public and private sectors reached 483,803, with 184,953 males and 253,850 females, compared to 1,538,216 non-Kuwaitis ( One million 358 thousand and 631 males and 179 thousand 585 females).

In 2017, the percentage of citizens in the labor market was 17.7 %, then it increased in 2018 to 18.2% and in 2019 to 18.4%, reports a local daily.

Informed sources indicated that the jump recorded between 2020 and 2021 is not due to the applied plans or visions, but rather as a result of the conditions of the “Corona” pandemic and the exit of many non-Kuwaitis from the labor market, with evidence that the numbers show that the increase in the number was not more than normal rates, as the number increased from 400 thousand and 909 to 424 thousand and 186, meaning that about 24 thousand entered the labor market, while about 14 thousand entered between 2021 and 2022 (from about 424 thousand to about 438 thousand).

And compared to the conditions of “Corona”, the years 2020 and 2021 witnessed a decrease in the number of non-Kuwaitis, but it returned to record an increase in the last year (about 1.6 million in 2020, 1.4 million in 2021 and 1.5 million in 2022.

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