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LBC Express culinary scholarship program ends with great success

Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer

32 household helpers received their certificates on two consecutive Saturday afternoons after completing a full day course on ‘Essential Baking Course” organized by CEE Network Culinary Arts Lifestyle Courses. The program was under the patronage of the Philippine Ambassador’s wife, Chef Mrs. Noor Jarifa Lomondot.

Essential Baking Course has been designed by CEE Network Culinary Arts with a purpose of providing necessary knowledge through hands on classes to Filipino household helpers in Kuwait.

The program which was launched three weeks prior to initial classes earned needs from applicants who enlisted their names via online application with high hopes of being chosen to be a part of the scholarship grant courtesy of LBC Express in collaboration with Dadabhai Travel, Al Alamia Manpower International Services, Janes Closet and Annes Footwear and RTW collection.

The one full day course included eight hours divided in two different parts: making breads and baking pies. The course gave the participants the know-how and techniques of making “sweet dough” which can create several types of breads popular in local bakeries. The afternoon offered two different types of pies; coconut and egg, which are popular delicacies in the Philippines.

“This course offers not only knowledge but an opportunity for them to gather skills and hopefully use them to earn extra while in Kuwait and furthermore in the Philippines after their return home for good” commented Chef Mrs. Lomondot. LBC Express was overwhelmed as applications online started pouring in immediately after the announcement was launched in social and online media.

Although not everyone was accommodated to avail the scholarship, LBC promised that the company considers of organizing another batch to accommodate the applicants. Dadabahai and Al Alamia have also pledged their support should the scholarship continue.

“LBC Express would just want to return to the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) our gratitude for their endless support and patronage to our services, most especially the passport delivery services, which provide our OFWs comfort, convenience and lesser expense” added Nina Del Mundo, LBC Express representative in Kuwait. CEE Network Culinary Arts Lifestyle Courses would like to thank The Times Kuwait, OFW si Bess, Raymund Recamads of TFC BRNGY, Mrs. Dolores ElEnany of Al Alamia International Manpower Services, Mrs. Paulita Lundang of Dadabhai Travel for their generous support to the project and Jane Caquicla of Jane’s Closet and Anne Bonaventer of Anne’s Footwear and RTW Collection for ensuring the ingredients used by participants during the classes.

The CEE team was composed of Masterchef Cris Ricafort, Chefs Jesusa Robles, Ramil De la Cruz, Alexandre Meulien, Mariefe Torio, Menchie Alvarez, Mary Abegail Lopez, Gigi Araja and Elizabeth Tendenilla, CEE Network Culinary Arts Lifestyle Courses is currently organizing a bigger project which will involve 100 household helpers from two top agency organizations in Kuwait and under the patronage of the Philippine Overseas Labor Office in Kuwait Labor Attaché Hon. Nasser Mustafa. Details will be announced soon. For more details of the project, you may call: 55650296, Ricky Laxa – Project Manager – CEE Network Kuwait.

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