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Kuwait’s embassy in Cairo decries disrespectful video

Kuwait’s Embassy in Cairo said Friday it deeply condemned what was circulated last Thursday on various platforms footage that included a call to burn Kuwait’s flag, underlining that this act shows unacceptable disrespect to Kuwait and its national symbol. The embassy said in a statement that this heinous act has provoked dissatisfaction among the official and unofficial circles in Kuwait. The embassy mentioned that they contacted officials in Egypt, and conveyed to them the rejection of these acts.

In this regard, they called on the authorities in Egypt to take the necessary measures to hold all those accountable who participated in such behavior, and to put an end to possible disrespectful displays. In response, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry on Friday affirmed the depth of fraternal relations between Egypt and Kuwait, saying their citizens “took part in common struggles in which their blood blended in solidarity with each other”.

The ministry added in a statement that it follows up “with a mixture of rejection and condemnation the recent attempts on social media networks seeking to drive a wedge between the two brotherly peoples”. It noted that some people are behind abuses made against officials of the two sides with the aim to target the good ties between the two countries. The ministry stressed that Kuwait respects, and is proud of the Egyptian community in Kuwait and Egypt, in turn, appreciates and is proud of the Kuwaiti community on its soil.

It pointed out that the two communities respect each other, and maintain each other’s rights and dignity. The two sides have a positive role” in developing the societies where they live and contribute to the development of the bilateral ties, it said. The Egyptian and Kuwaiti authorities are keen on developing the bilateral ties for wider horizons, added the statement.

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