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Kuwaitis ranked seventh in 2021 in terms of foreigners buying real estate in Turkey

The data issued by the Turkish Statistical Institute, Friday, indicated Kuwaitis bought 1,791 properties in 2021, ranking seventh while the Iranians who topped the list bought 10,056 properties, the Iraqis came in second place with 8,661 properties, followed by the Russians with 5,379, Afghans with 2,762, Germans with 2,358 and Kazakhs with 2,090 properties respectively.

According to the data, real estate sales to foreigners last year increased by 5.43 percent — 58,576 properties — compared to 2020.

The sources added Istanbul topped the sale with 26,469 properties sold to foreigners in 2021, followed by Antalya with 12,384 and then the capital, Ankara, with 3,672 properties.

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