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Kuwaiti students face high costs in Egypt 

A number of Kuwaitis studying in Egyptian universities said they are suffering from the financial burdens saying the government’s financial support does not cover basic requirements.

The National Union of Kuwaiti Students in Egypt has called on officials in Kuwait to reconsider the financial grants given to the Kuwaiti students. The Vice-President of the Union, Nawaf Al-Mutairi, said in a statement to Al-Qabas that Kuwaiti students in general suffer due to the high cost of living standard in Egypt and that their financial burdens continue to increase every month.

Al-Mutairi added the union, as a representative of the students, demands an increase in financial allocations and an increase in the social allowance due to the high cost of living in Egypt, saying a Kuwaiti student on an average spends about 700 dinars per month since the rent is between 200 and 300 dinars, in addition to tuition fees and other educational services.

Al-Mutairi called on the Education Committee in the National Assembly to demand an annual travel ticket allowance and a monthly housing allowance for students who study at their own expense, because they pay universities in addition to their personal expenses, which puts a burden on their families.


Al-Mutairi indicated the Kuwaiti students in Egypt are divided into different segments, but the high cost of living is a common feature that they suffer from.

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