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Kuwaiti psychologist: Narcotics threat to youth, destroys societies

Social consultant and psychologist Dr. Hassan Al-Musawi.

Narcotics are a clear-cut threat towards the youth and are destroyer of societies, Dr. Hassan Al-Musawi, a social consultant and psychologist, warned on Monday. Speaking to KUNA in an interview, Dr. Al-Musawi said one of the ill effects of drugs is addiction, which keeps any person a prisoner to illegal substances.

He noted that the main reasons behind addiction amongst the youth were having bad company of friends and colleagues and lack of supervision by families. Addiction causes financial problems, which causes one to steal and find any means to secure money for drugs, he added.

Along with financial losses, one loses meaning to his or her life, spiraling one down into a pit of misery, life in prison, and even death. Dr. Al-Musawi stressed the importance of confidence in battling addiction, saying that physical and psychological treatments were only parts of the road towards full recovery.

He revealed that the number of those falling in the traps of addiction was on the rise, adding that those managing to beat their addiction were stigmatized by the fact that they were addicts. A comprehensive treatment is the way forward when it came battling addiction for the long term, he affirmed, saying that such plan must involve families, competent authorities, and society as a whole to prevent the problem from exacerbating.

Narcotics and illicit drugs are known for being a threat to the youth globally, and no one could deny that such substances were able to destroy societies no matter when or where.

Governments around the globe had made it their mission to counter the health, social, economic, and security challenges posed by narcotics, setting laws and regulations to prevent the selling and proliferation of drugs. – KUNA

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