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Kuwaiti wins first prize in nature photography contest in India

Kuwaiti photographer Mohammad Murad won the first prize in a nature photography contest on Monday, held in India with global participation.

In a statement to KUNA, Murad said that he believes he is the first Kuwaiti or perhaps the first Arab photographer to win the first prize in India’s Nature inFocus Photography Contest.

He said that the photo of the Arabian Red Fox which deserved the first prize was taken in Kuwait.

“The photographer spent more than two months observing and documenting the behavior of Arabian Red Fox families near their dens in the Kuwait region.

Although scared at first, the foxes became more comfortable around his presence after frequent visits.

They even began to emerge from their dens when they heard the sound of his car and came close enough to inspect his camera gear,” the Nature inFocus Photography Contest 2021said in its official website announcing the first prize to Murad in the animal portraits category.


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