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Kuwait: UNSC has responsibility towards hostilities in Idleb

Kuwait said UN Security Council has a responsibility towards rapidly­evolving developments in Idleb, and noted Friday’s UNSC session was a “preventive step” that would prevent escalation in the Syrian city.

Bader Al­Munayyekh, Charge d’affaires, was addressing a UNSC sesion on situation in northwest Syria, which was called by Kuwait, Belgium and Germany ­ the countries in charge of the Syrian humanitarian file.

Kuwait, he said, supported UN Secretary-Gener Antonio Guterres’ calls as the Syrian crisis was entering its 9th year. He added Guterres called on parties to preserve Russian­Turkish sponsored ceasefire in Idleb, respect international humanitarian law and protect human rights in case of military hostilities. Al­Munayyekh, echoing Guterres’ calls, said humanitarian supplies should be provided on a permanent basis, as well as boosting international support for a political solution that would honor aspirations of the Syrian people.

“At the time we condemn the terrorist acts by the terrorist groups in Idleb, we affirm that fighting terrorist groups does not mean any party in the conflict evades its commitment as per the international law,” including protection of civilians and civilian targets, he said.

Al­Munayyekh condemned all attacks against residential areas and medical facilities in Syria, calling on warring parties to respect UNSC resolutions, namely 2286 regarding hospitals and medical facilities, and 2427 regarding the protection of schools.

He, meanwhile, said the constitutional committee should be inclusive, balanced and credible, and affirmed the only solution for the Syrian conflict was a political resolution based on UNSC resolution 2254 and the 2012 Geneva communique in a way that preserved united, independence and sovereignty of Syria.

Meanwhile, UN Under Secretary General for Political Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo said three million civilians were at risk in Idleb, and added civilians were paying the price of an endless war. She said the agreement between Russia and Turkey for a ceasefire contributed to less violence in the northwest Syria.

However, added DiCarlo hostilities were ongoing which would have catastrophic effects on international peace and security. The current military escalation should act as a reminder for the international community that a political solution was needed more than ever, she said.

“We need to activate the UN­facilitated political track as well as ending violence in northwest of Syria, so let us unite today … to support immediate end of violence in Idleb and work towards a political solution that meet legitiamte aspirations of the Syrian people,” said DiCarlo.

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