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Kuwait to implement fines and Imprisonments to curtail the spread of Covid-19

The Council of Ministers is expected to introduce a system of graduated fines for breaches of Covid-19 guidelines, including gatherings or not following precautionary measures when required. 

According to a local Daily, coronavirus will be added to the list of communicable diseases law and penalties will be imposed accordingly. 

In order to protect the entire community, punishment, and fines on those who intentionally aid the transmission of disease by not adhering to the health, restrictions is a better solution than restoring lockdown and curfew.

A penalty of 10 years imprisonment and not less than 30,000 dinars or either of these two would be imposed on those who deliberately cause the transmission of infection to another person. An Arabic Daily reported that violators of the laws or the decision issued by the Ministry of Health will be punished with imprisonment for not more than three months and a fine of not exceeding 5000 dinars, or either of them. 

In addition, the violators of the sanctions mentioned in article 15 will be punished with an imprisonment of not more than 6 months and a fine of not more than 10,000 dinars or either of the two.


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