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Kuwait to enter the safety stage within two months

Kuwait now has two crucial months ahead to touch the safety zone to get the Coronavirus epidemic under control, especially as the country receives the sixth batch of the Pfizer vaccine next Sunday, Al Qabas daily reported.  The expectation is that 800,000 doses of the Oxford vaccine will arrive in batches starting from the beginning of next March, and with the vaccination of about 20,000 people per day, which would mean the vaccinations taking place would be more than half a million monthly.

Health officials revealed to Al-Qabas daily that the arrival of large quantities of the “Pfizer” and “Oxford” vaccines will contribute to the vaccination of about 600,000 people, after medical recommendations to take the second dose of Oxford vaccine after periods ranging from 8 to 12 weeks, which is sufficient time for the arrival of other quantities of vaccines in the future.

They highlighted that the months of March, April and May as crucial to better handle the Coronavirus crisis in the country, with the escalation of the vaccination frequency for all segments of society. In addition, the Ministry of Health’s announced that hospitals, health centers and community clinics would be allowed to buy vaccines from the local agent or producing companies after being licensed and approved by the Ministry, to provide the vaccination service, requesting representatives of those bodies to complete the link with the online platform of the ministry before beginning to provide the vaccination service.

In the same context, the Ministry of Education announced that the committee responsible for the Covid 19 vaccination campaign in the Ministry of Health had set up a mechanism to determine the priority of target groups for vaccination, and included all members of the educational and administrative staff in schools in the education sector, who are among the categories of workers in basic services and who have priority for vaccination.

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