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Kuwait sees progress in women’s empowerment, says diplomat

Kuwait has seen much progress in women’s empowerment in 2020, primarily a fresh law that ensures the protection of women from domestic violence, said a diplomat on Thursday. Addressing the General Debate of the Third Committee of the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly, Third Secretary of Kuwait’s Diplomatic Mission at the UN Saba Al-Fuheid said that the law, which was adopted in Kuwait last month, includes emergency protection orders for women and provides legal counsel and help to victims.

In addition, Kuwait has appointed eight female judges for the first time in its history in a long-awaited step towards women’s empowerment in the judicial domain, she said. The Kuwaiti diplomat added that sustainable development and prosperity could not be attained unless youth and women are empowered and all non-governmental organizations are backed. She underlined the need for concerted world efforts not only to fight the COVID-19 pandemic but also to defeat the existing many challenges and obstacles worldwide.

Source: KUNA

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