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Kuwait says international community faces moral responsibility to challenges

Kuwait announced on Tuesday that the international community now faces a moral responsibility towards extremely complex challenges that threaten local and international security and stability, particularly in the Middle East. It was stated in Kuwait’s speech before the Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) program, delivered by Kuwait’s Permanent Representative to UN in Geneva Ambassador Jamal Al-Ghunaim.

The current situation requires everyone to strengthen joint cooperation in the areas of food and security, while addressing the situation of displaced people, the impacts of climate change and the negative repercussions of COVID-19, Al-Ghunaim added. The challenges require everyone to support the efforts of international and regional agencies and non-governmental organizations as part of their comprehensive response to reduce the suffering of refugees and displaced people, also to support host countries, he mentioned.

Al-Ghunaim also pointed out that Kuwait underlines the importance of resolving disputes through political dialogue, supporting mediation efforts and confirming that exclusion will not lead to peace and lasting solutions. Kuwait is keen to continue supporting UNHCR’s efforts and all other international agencies to alleviate the deterioration of the humanitarian situation, he explained.

Al-Ghunaim referred to the financial contributions made by Kuwait since the beginning of COVID-19 with the amount of USD 290 million, which comes within the framework of Kuwait assuming responsibilities in supporting the international community tackling the pandemic.

Al-Ghunaim explained that during the days of the global humanitarian leader, the late His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, he dedicated his life to serving humanity, contributing through his preventive diplomacy and mediation to resolving conflicts for over five decades.

He underscored the continuation of Kuwait’s humanitarian and development approach to the international and local community, in addition to political support for various humanitarian crises. The total humanitarian and development aid provided by Kuwait during the past ten years reached US$ 434 million allocated to UNHCR, he noted.

Source: KUNA

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