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Kuwait releases largest narcotic pills seizure in history

The Ministry of the Interior announced the release of a large stack of narcotic pills seized from an international gang, which was estimated at 15 million lyrica tablets and more than half a ton of raw lyrica powder. The Minister of Interior and Acting Minister of Defense Sheikh Talal Al-Khaled Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, in the presence of Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior Lieutenant General Anwar Al-Barjas and several leaders, supervised the deciphering of the narcotic pills. The contraband will be packed into empty discs by means of special equipment and devices, reported Al Qabas.

According to the report, the Ministry of Interior is continuing efforts in combating the scourge of drugs and in implementing the directives of the First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Acting Minister of Defense to decisively address and launch preemptive strikes on drug dealers and smugglers, protect the country’s youth, and control gang formations specialized in bringing and promoting narcotics, psychotropic substances and intoxicants to the country.

The criminal security sector represented by the General Department for Drug Control received information about a gang selling lyrica tablets and powder in capsules. Security officers then raided and searched the storage den after conducting further investigations and ensuring the validity of the information, which resulted in the arrest of four people and seizure of 15 million lyrica tablets ready for sale, in addition to half a ton of lyrica powder, special devices and equipment for pressing tablets, a huge amount of empty cans and capsules equipped for packaging, and imported equipment for the manufacture of wines.

Al-Khaled commended the General Administration for Drug Control for their efforts in confronting the attempts to promote intoxicating substances and drugs to the youth.

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