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Kuwait receives 1st shipment of Pfizer via GAVI

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Health declared on Monday receiving the first consignment of anti-covid vaccines from the Pfizer via the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (Gavi).

Dr. Abdullah Al-Badr, the health assistant undersecretary for pharmaceutical affairs and medical equipment, said in a statement to KUNA that the shipment was the first to be taken by Kuwait through Gavi.

Coordination is underway to take delivery of vaccines from other platforms via Gavi soon, he said, indicating that the supplies would be shipped to Kuwait in line with contracts worked out by the MoH. The shipment handover is part of continuous efforts to speed up momentum of vaccinations against COVID-19 and to back up the ministry action for securing the vaccines and reach the aspired objectives of the national immunization campaign.

Source- KUNA

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