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Kuwait praises Saudi Interior Ministry achievement to thwart terrorist operation

Acting Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah presides the cabinet weekly meeting.

Kuwait’s Cabinet on Monday praised the Saudi Interior Ministry’s achievement to thwart a terrorist operation in Qatif province. Saudi authorities announced earlier this week that it thwarted a terrorist attack, plotted by four fugitives in the eastern Qatif region, noting that the security forces seized a number of weapons and explosives in the suspects’ vehicle.

The Cabinet, chaired by Acting Premier and Defense Minister Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al­Ahmad Al­Sabah, also condemned in a statement a recent terrorist attack that took place in Sheikh Zwaid in Sinai, Egypt, which resulted in the death of a number of police officers and the wounding of a number of innocent civilians.

Four policemen, including two officers, were killed, in addition to three civilians, among them a child, in a suicide bombing targeting a police force in Egypt’s northern province of Sinai last week. The Cabinet stressed rejection to these criminal acts that have claimed the lives of innocent people in violation of all humanitarian laws, norms and values.

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