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Kuwait PM: Pardons committee continues work, meeting based on Amir mandate

His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah said Tuesday that the pardons’ committee is continuing its work, as a meeting will be held soon based on a mandate from His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- Sabah, stressing that he “has no right to disrupt its meetings.” The prime minister was responding to MPs’ questions at an ordinary session of the National Assembly, largely devoted for grilling the premier.

His Highness the premier confirmed existence of constitutional suspicions contained in the questioning paper, stressing his adherence to the four no’s, “neither referring the interrogation to constitutionality, nor to the legislative committee, nor to secrecy, nor to a request for a term when the interrogation is within the rules of the constitution, the internal regulations of the National Assembly, and the explanatory decision of the Constitutional Court.”

He also explained that the adoption of the law to raise the capital of the Credit Bank came with a prior agreement between the bloc, which includes MPs Dr. Hassan Jawhar and Muhannad Al-Sayer, and not through “political blackmail” as they claim. On the country’s economic situation, His Highness the prime minister said that Kuwait enjoys good financial solvency, but “we suffer from an economic imbalance, not economic corruption.” – KUNA

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