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Kuwait National Day revelries at Writers’ Forum Kuwait’s meeting

“India is our motherland but Kuwait is the country that has given us livelihood. We owe a lot to this great Nation”. This spirit of love for Kuwait was expressed by all the members of Writers’ Forum Kuwait in their monthly meeting that was dedicated to celebrate the Kuwait National Day and Liberation day.

While still abiding to the virtual platform of Zoom, on the pleasant evening of 19th February 2021, the festive spirit was no less. The meeting commenced with a couplet recited by the General Secretary of the Forum Ms. Nazneen Ali who mentioned that Kuwait is our second home and we are overwhelmed on the occasion of the 60th National Day and 30th Liberation Day of Kuwait. The President of the Forum Mrs. Maimuna Ali Chougle also expressed her deep love for Kuwait recalling all the wonderful days that she spent in this bountiful country. The spirit of love for Kuwait was so high that two members, Mr. Umesh Sharma and Mr. Sunil Sonsi, who have left Kuwait for good also joined to witness the merriments of National Day of Kuwait.

Ms. Nazneen Ali, the compere for the meeting, invited renowned Urdu poet Mr Saeed Nazar Kadpawi to preside over the day’s proceedings while eminent Hindi writer and poetess Dr. (Mrs.) Radhika Guleri Bhardwaj was requested to be the Chief Guest of the evening.
In the first session of the meeting Dr. (Mrs.) Radhika Guleri Bhardwaj presented before the audience a touching story based on the importance of being grateful and expressing indebtedness.

Second session of the meeting started with some very beautiful creations being recited, most of them recounting the love and affection the members have for Kuwait. The National day and Liberation day celebrations and good wishes were the theme for most of the poetries that the members of the Writers’ Forum Kuwait recited. The members expressed their gratitude to this great country which empowered them to achieve a better life and paved the way to fulfill their dreams.

Writers’ Forum is a bouquet of flowers with different colors and fragrance. This was reflected in other topics like love, family and inspiration that were recited in the meeting. The poets who recited their poems were Ms. Anupama Chaturvedi, Umesh Sharma and Ameeruddin Ameer (Hindi), Mrs. Maumuna Chougle and Ms. Nazneen Ali (Urdu), Mrs. Kalpana Shah and Mr. Mohan Singh (English). Other members present were Sunil Sonsi and Sabir Omer.

The Chief Guest of the evening, Dr.(Mrs.) Radhika Guleri Bhardwaj expressed her gratitude to the Forum for inviting her to be the chief guest of the day and wished good luck for the the Forum. She said that each meeting of Writers’ Forum is an enriching experience that helps us to enhance our writing skills.

The President of the evening Mr. Sayeed Nazar Kadpawi also thanked everyone and congratulated the members for maintaining a positive spirit and continuing the activities of the Forum through virtual platform, despite the ongoing pandemic. He wished for peace prosperity and progress of Kuwait. The meeting ended with Nazneen Ali acknowledging everyone’s presence to make it a success.

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