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Kuwait MPs poised to look into grilling motion against Deputy PM

The Kuwaiti National Assembly (parliament) is set to convene a session on Tuesday, mainly to consider an interpellation request lodged by MP Hamdan Al-Azmi against Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali Al-Sabah.

The session, which lasts Tuesday and Wednesday, will discuss many committee reports and the recent speech delivered by His Highness the Amir. The grilling against the defense minister is at the top of the agenda of the parliamentary debate.

The query is primarily based on five aspects encompassing “involving women in army”, “winking at State Audit Bureau’s remarks on a Eurofighter deal”, “failing to cooperate with regulatory agencies or replying parliamentary queries”, “failing to safeguard state-owned lands”, and “non- compliance with cabinet decrees on recruitments”.

MP Al-Azmi submitted his interpellation request against the deputy prime minister and defense minister during a National Assembly (parliament) session held on January 4th. However, the defense minister, at the end of the parliament debate, defied that he was absolutely ready to refute all the aspects of the grilling motion.

National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim said on Tuesday he has received a query request from MP Hisham Al-Saleh against Health Minister Sheikh Dr. Basel Al-Sabah. Article 100 of the Kuwaiti Constitution allows members of parliament to file an interrogation request against the prime minister and cabinet ministers about affairs related to their duties and responsibilities.

MPs will then move to look into the Amiri Address given during the second ordinary session of the current legislative term, together with the government work plan over five years. They will also discuss a bevy of reports compiled by different parliament committees on draft laws, bills and overtures, which are primarily pertinent to the country’s domestic affairs. – KUNA

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