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Kuwait leading in GCC Robotics Challenge for 3rd time

Dr. Safaa Zaman, general coordinator of the event.

The American University of the Middle East (AUM, a private university based in Kuwait, won the top place in the final round of the fourth IET GCC Robotics Challenge, on Saturday. This is the third time for a Kuwait-based educational institution to win the award of this annual event.

The competition, organized by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) of the Canadian University Dubai (CUD), UAE, gathered computer engineering students from universities of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.

It consists of two rounds, the first of which is organized on the national level where two five-member teams from each country qualify for the final round, Dr. Safaa Zaman, general coordinator of the event, told KUNA.”The competition aims to encourage undergraduates and young professionals across the GCC countries to build an innovative robot and compete within space and time constraints, utilizing their academic knowledge and technical skills,” she pointed out.

“The event aims also to strengthen academic cooperation on the regional level, increase student exchanges, enhance the competitive edge of GCC universities in the area of IT and promote the culture of robotics,” Dr. Zaman, also a member of the jury of the competition, added.

She congratulated the AUM on winning the top award of the completion and appreciated the supportive roles of Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) and the Kuwaiti Public Authority for Youth (PAY). Kuwait hosted the first GCC Robotics competition in 2016, Qatar – the second in 2017 and Bahrain – the third last year.

Source: KUNA

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