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Kuwait ranks third in the Gulf with recovery cases from Coronavirus

Health officials stressed the need to expedite registration through the Covid 19 vaccination platform, noting that there is no justification for hesitation in registering and taking the vaccine, Al Qabas daily reported.

The number of cases present in intensive care rooms for those infected with the virus reached a record number, indicating the seriousness of complications from the virus for those who did not receive doses of the two approved vaccines in the country. Adding that the distribution of vaccinations will reduce mortality rates and admittance into intensive care.

They added to Al-Qabas that the highest rate of admission to intensive care for treatment due to Covid 19 was recorded on 1 April, which is 252 cases, with the majority being the elderly and youth. This highlights the seriousness of the virus and only those who received two doses of the Pfizer or Oxford vaccines will not suffer the full effect of the coronavirus symptoms, and reduce admission rates to hospital wards.

In the same context, health officials confirmed that the recovery rates from the virus compared to the number of daily infections in the country is still reassuring, compared to other countries, as it reached the day before yesterday, in Kuwait, to 93.6 percent, compared to 88.5 percent in Qatar, and 89.1 percent in Oman, 92.8 percent in Bahrain, 96 percent in Saudi Arabia, and 96.5 percent in the UAE.

Health officials highlighted the need for those who are vaccinated to continue to follow health requirements, while avoiding gatherings and reducing opportunities for contact.

Regarding the latest developments in vaccinations against Covid 19, officials stated that the Ministry of Health is persisting in its efforts to accelerate the pace of vaccination during the month of Ramadan, and by opening other vaccination centers.

About 20.2 percent of the population has been vaccinated so far, compared to 4. 1 percent in the Sultanate of Oman, 44.5 percent in Qatar, 64.7 percent in Bahrain, 21.2 percent in Saudi Arabia, and 98.6 percent in the Emirates.

The vaccination does not prevent the coronavirus infection by 100 percent, but in all cases it boosts the immune system to better fight off the Covid 19 virus, and it also reduces hospital admissions and critical cases in intensive care.

Gulf cure rates

96.5% UAE

96% Saudi Arabia

93.6% Kuwait

92.8% Bahrain

89.1%, Sultanate of Oman

88.5% Qatar

Gulf vaccination rates

98.6% of the UAE

64.7% Bahrain

44.5% Qatar

21.2% Saudi Arabia

20.2% Kuwait

4.1% of the Sultanate of Oman

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