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Kuwait Info. Min. highlights “civilized” side of democracy

Kuwait Ministry of Information is keen on highlighting the “civilized” side of democracy in Kuwait during the September 29 parliamentary elections in a way that mirror the genuine political life in the Gulf country, a ministry official said.

The ministry is ready for the election day either through traditional coverage or social media platforms, Mohammad bin Naji, Acting Undersecretary, told KUNA in an interview.

He explained that the ministry began its coverage plans before an Amiri decree was issued that would call for election, during which interviews were made with specialists about the new electoral decrees.

Bin Naji said the second phase of the coverage focused on the importance of the upcoming elections in “correcting the course,” the slogan used by the ministry’s campaign.

The third phase, he went on, would be on the election day: voting, counting of ballots and announcements of results, thus keeping viewers, listeners and followers updated.

Bin Naji said there would be special programs on social media that would raise awareness regarding importance of voting and selecting the right candidate.

The Ministry, he noted, would give every candidate a two-minute free-of-charge air time to deliver his views and program. This will happen after closure of candidacy registration period and continues until the day before elections.

The ministry, said bin Naji, would provide all facilities for journalists for the coverage of elections includingentry to ballot stations. The ministry will also set up a press center for local and foreign journalists on September 26 as part of logistical support for the media personnel, he said.


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