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Kuwait increases expat medical fees for various services

Charges for the certification of documents by the Kuwait Medical Council, and medical tests for expatriates applying for a job in the public sector are to go up following a revision of the fees by the Ministry of Health (MoH).

The revised fees for the various MoH services are as follows:

Attestation of sick-leave, granted by a private medical center or hospital in Kuwait or abroad, is KD2; fees for a medical test for expatriates seeking a job in the government sector is KD20; disability certificate will now cost KD5; and, fitness certificate fee is KD10.

The Ministry will also charge KD10 for a ‘good-conduct’ certificate; and KD10 more to have a document translated into English. of good conduct, 10 dinars for the issuance of a certificate ‘To Whom It May Concern’, in addition to 10 dinars to translate the license in English.

In other ‘fee reforms’, the MoH has stated that it will now charge a fee of KD50 for a three-month approval to advertising health-related products; and KD100 for a license to advertise a health company or facility.

Meanwhile, the fee for registering a company to market medicines, grafts, vaccines, and a license for a manufacturing unit for the same items is the same at KD500. Wonder why the country has such a weak manufacturing base?

Now, If you were wondering at the rapid scale with which medical clinics have been sprouting all over the country, remember that a one-year permit to open a medical facility is only a relatively small KD200, and the same amount is charged to have it renewed each year.

The Ministry has also approved fees for issuing an import or export license for narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances which is KD30; fees for issuing a trade license for narcotics or psychotropic substances is KD100, and KD10 for stamping 50 prescription books of psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs; and KD5 for approving a 400-page record of psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs.

On the medical side, the fee for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) has been set at KD200 and the charges for freezing embryos and other related services is also KD200 per year of storage. So if you plan to freeze an egg and have an in-vitro fertilization a few years later, be prepared to cough up close to KD 1,000 for all the services combined

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