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Kuwait FM leads delegation to anti-IS meeting in Morocco

Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah headed the country’s delegation partaking in a ministerial meeting of the global coalition to defeat the so-called Islamic State (IS), better known as Daesh, held in Morocco’s Marrakech at the joint invitation of Morocco and the US.

Addressing the gathering, the minister thanked Morocco and the US for co-hosting this first-of-its- kind gathering in the African continent to weigh anti-IS efforts.

He said the much trust of the countries in the global coalition and its groups has become very valuable and significant for the continuation of counter-terrorism in the region at all levels, welcoming the 85th member, Benin joining the coalition, which reflects its obvious interest in Africa.

He added that out of belief in the big role played by the UN and its bodies in establishing the pillars of security and stability all over the world, the countries should commit to taking the required measures to fight terrorist in all its forms and manifestations as per international law, mainly international human rights law and international humanitarian law.

The Kuwaiti foreign minister went on to say that UN Resolution 2254 backs the legitimate ambitions of the Syrian people for determining their future via a political transition, and for ending the ongoing conflict in this Arab country. He pointed out swift political, military and economic challenges and changes amid the major developments in different world countries, which require more concerted efforts, coordination and sharing of intelligence for fighting terrorism.

In this regard, he underlined the importance of implementing the principles adopted during the coalition’s first ministerial meeting in the Asian continent, namely in Kuwait, in February 2018. In conclusion, the minister invited the member states of the counter-terror coalition’s group of suppressing the flow of foreign terrorist fights, to attend the group’s meeting due in Kuwait on May 24, 2022, in a bid to find sustainable and globally beneficial solutions. – KUNA

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