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Kuwait climbs four places on Freedom Index in Arab world 

Kuwait climbed 4 places in the Human Freedom Index for 2021 in the rankings issued by the Canadian ‘Fraser’ Institute and the American ‘Cato’ Institute — 121 in the world, fourth in the Arab world and first in the Gulf on the same index, while it ranked 98 globally in economic freedom.

Al-Rai said the index methodology is based on ranking 165 countries taking into account 3 main indicators — personal, civil and economic freedom. This annual indicator uses 82 sub-indicators to measure personal and economic freedom in the following areas: rules of law, security and safety, movement, religious belief, unions, assembly and civil society, expression and information, relations, size of government, legal system and property rights, money and international trade.

In the index of personal freedom, Kuwait was placed at 120 in the world. Among the GCC countries Bahrain ranked first on the index of economic freedom, followed by the UAE, Qatar came in third, Saudi Arabia fourth, Kuwait fifth, and finally Oman.

At the level of Arab countries for the freedom index as a whole, Jordan came first, Lebanon second, Tunisia third, Kuwait fourth, and Qatar fifth.

Globally, Switzerland came first, followed by New Zealand, then Denmark, then Estonia, followed by Ireland, then Finland, then Canada, then Australia, then Sweden, and Luxembourg.

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