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Kuwait and Kenya strengthen cooperation in education and trade

The Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya, H.E Halima Mahmoud, has highlighted the growing cooperation between Kenya and Kuwait in various sectors, including education and trade. Kuwait has generously granted four seats to Kenyan students in the languages department, along with one seat in social sciences.

Discussions are also underway to establish a memorandum of understanding in the health sector, as there is a rising demand for Kenyan nurses by the Kuwaiti private sector. In an interview with Al-Rai, Ambassador Mahmoud emphasized the excellent economic cooperation between the two countries.

Kuwait imports over 20 tons of Kenyan sheep meat every month, totaling 240 tons annually. Although live sheep are not currently being imported to Kuwait, efforts are being made to resume imports by collaborating with private sector companies.

Furthermore, Kuwait imports a variety of agricultural products from Kenya, including flowers, onions, tea, coffee, avocados, mangoes, and pineapples. These imports contribute significantly to Kuwait’s food security, with around 130 tons of fruits being imported annually.

Ambassador Mahmoud highlighted that Kenya is an agricultural country with diverse seasons and a reputation for safety and tranquility. The country’s foreign investment laws are encouraging to investors, making it an attractive destination for Kuwaiti businesses.

She urged Kuwaitis to explore the available opportunities in Kenya’s tourism sector, which is a significant source of income for the country. The number of Kuwaiti tourists visiting Kenya has been increasing, with approximately 500 Kuwaitis visiting the country last month alone. Ambassador Mahmoud emphasized the ease of obtaining an online visa through the Kenyan embassy’s website.

She encouraged Kuwaiti tourists not to miss the opportunity to witness the breathtaking migration of millions of wild animals through Kenyan territory, particularly during the month of June. Ambassador Mahmoud also highlighted Kenya’s remarkable geographical features, including its mountains, volcanic lakes, and the famous Great African Rift.

Tourists can enjoy activities such as climbing the snow-covered peaks of Mount Kenya and engaging in trout fishing in clear water streams. The Masai Mara National Reserve, located on the border with Tanzania, is another popular destination known for its incredible wildlife. Thousands of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles migrate across the Serengeti Desert, making it a unique wildlife spectacle from May to October.

The strengthening cooperation between Kenya and Kuwait in various sectors showcases the positive diplomatic relations between the two countries. It opens doors for further collaboration and mutual benefits in the years to come.

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