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Kuwait and Australia held Senior Officials’ Talks

The Governments of Kuwait and Australia held their inaugural Senior Officials’ Talks (SOTs) on 17 November 2020, led by Assistant Foreign Minister Hamad Al Meshaan and First Assistant Secretary Dr. Angela Macdonald from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Given the global COVID-19 pandemic, the SOTs were held virtually.  

SOTs represent the realization of an MoU signed between Australia and Kuwait’s then Foreign Ministers in February 2018 on the sidelines of the Iraq Reconstruction Conference. The talks focussed on the key issues of food security, education, and investment, as well as dialogue on common areas of foreign and strategic policy. As the first of its kind, a key outcome of the talks is a program of work that will underpin and drive the relationship for the coming years.

“The Australia-Kuwait relationship is a mutually beneficial partnership across a diverse range of fields, and of quiet achievement,” said Australian Ambassador Jonathan Gilbert. “We want Kuwaitis to know that Australia is a key food security partner; that their students are receiving a world-class education at our universities; and that we are a safe, secure, and profitable destination for their investments. Australia is well-positioned to meet the future needs of Kuwaitis, as the country grows and diversifies.”

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