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Kuwait Amir congratulates Crown Prince on post assumption anniversary

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on Saturday sent a cable to His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad AlJaber Al-Sabah, congratulating him on the third anniversary of taking up the Heir Apparent’s position.

In the cable, His Highness the Amir lauded His Highness the Crown Prince for his sincere efforts and devotion for the service of the dear homeland, wishing him lasting wellbeing and Kuwait security and prosperity.

In reply, His Highness the Crown Prince sent His Highness the Amir a cable expressing deep gratitude to His Highness the Amir for the heartfelt and sincere felicitations on the occasion.

In the cable, His Highness the Crown Prince highly commended the country’s comprehensive development and pioneering achievements under His Highness the Amir’s
leadership, wishing him everlasting wellness and success in achieving further progress and prosperity for the dear homeland and its people.

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