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Kuwait affirms unwavering stance on Palestinian Issue

Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah reiterated Kuwait’s steadfast commitment to its principled stance on the Palestinian issue, underscoring that the country firmly opposes any form of normalization with Israel until the establishment of an independent Palestinian state within the borders of June 4, 1967. This position is in accordance with international resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, reported Al-Rai Daily.

In a press conference held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building, Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah emphasized his primary responsibility as safeguarding Kuwait’s security and interests at home and abroad.

The Foreign Minister addressed the Palestinian cause, characterizing it as Kuwait’s “unambiguous and enduring issue.” He affirmed, “Over six decades, Kuwait has maintained a clear, unwavering, and robust stance on this matter. From the inception of the issue, our position has remained steadfast, strong, and unequivocal.”

Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah declared, “Kuwait’s opposition to normalization with Israel until the establishment of an independent Palestinian state within the borders of June 4, 1967, according to international resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, is a continual stance. There is no deviation from this position.”

He further conveyed the ongoing conflict in Gaza, stating, “We are witnessing the 23rd day of the Gaza war. Three elements stand out: this is a retaliatory war, not a defensive one; we witness collective punishment and war crimes in Gaza, with 7,000 fatalities, including 3,000 children in 23 days. How can this be allowed without being labeled a war crime?” He underscored the need for immediate cessation of hostilities, delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, and a lasting resolution to the Palestinian issue.

Addressing the potential pressures that Kuwait may face due to its unwavering stance on the Palestinian issue, Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah emphasized that their principled position remains unaffected by such pressures.

Referring to the joint statement by foreign ministers from nine Arab nations, the Foreign Minister remarked, “Joint statements represent consensual views rather than national statements. National statements allow for more flexibility.” He added, “We strive for Gulf and Arab consensus, as long as it doesn’t cross certain red lines. The statement and its content hold significance, emphasizing key demands, and there are consensus elements that must be integrated into the statement to ensure a collective viewpoint.”

Regarding Kuwait’s position on the displacement of Palestinians from their homeland, Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah affirmed, “We absolutely reject it. Our statements have been explicit on the necessity of Palestinian residents remaining on their land, and we condemn any attempts at displacement.”

In response to comments made by former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the “new Middle East,” Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah noted, “I don’t engage with what Netanyahu says. We are focused on preventing the spread of conflict. Extensive efforts are being made to prevent the expansion of the conflict to other fronts, as it would only intensify destruction and cause innocent lives to bear the brunt of it.”

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