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KPC looking for ways to absorb more engineers

Oil sources revealed that the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation is seeking to find possible means to raise the number of engineers in the oil sector, after meeting the required numbers, which amounted to 521 from all disciplines.

The sources told Al-Rai that raising the numbers of those accepted depends on approving budgets that enable the oil sector to accept larger numbers than were planned according to those budgets, especially since employment is linked to the size of the budgets approved in this regard by the official authorities in the country.
Oil sector recruits 521 out of 7,000 applicants

The sources pointed out that there are continuous efforts between the institution and the companies concerned in this matter in an effort to provide the largest number of job opportunities for engineers, which would accept more numbers than was planned in light of the approved budgets, saying that «the issue of raising the numbers of accepted or not depends on the adoption of budgets Additional information for this matter from the concerned authorities in the country.

The sources indicated that there are 521 Kuwaitis who secured their places in the entire oil sector out of a total of about 7,000 applicants who had applied for the job, adding that “the examination system was through a neutral party keen not to disclose the question forms or their quality to ensure impartiality.

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