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King of Bahrain Meets Pope Francis to discuss bilateral relations and humanitarian issues

On a visit to the Vatican City, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa met with Pope Francis to discuss close bilateral relations and joint cooperation between their respective countries.

His Majesty expressed his appreciation for the Vatican’s warm reception and discussed the importance of promoting values such as tolerance, coexistence, brotherhood, dialogue, and cooperation among peoples.

The King highlighted Bahrain’s determination to strengthen its historical ties with the Vatican and contribute to consolidating the concepts of love, harmony, and peace to promote global stability.

In turn, Pope Francis praised King Hamad’s humanitarian efforts in promoting dialogue and understanding between religions, cultures, and civilizations. The meeting also discussed recent events in the Middle East, and His Majesty praised the Pope’s wisdom in supporting stability and peace in the region while rejecting violence and targeting innocent people.

Overall, the meeting was a productive discussion on ways to support and develop bilateral ties and promote humanitarian issues.

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