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Khaled Al-Jarallah reveals a drop in Coronavirus infections among citizens and expats

With a sharp increase in the vaccination campaign in the country, the head of the advisory committee to confront the Coronavirus, Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah, noted that the admissions of patients to hospitals and ICU continue to decline, Al Qabas reported.

Al-Jarallah sent a tweet on his Twitter account that stated “the past period has witnessed a slight decrease in the prevalence of coronavirus infection rate between Kuwaitis and expats through epidemiological monitoring, with the epidemiological curve continuing to decrease.”

Al-Jarallah called for “cautious openness with adherence to health requirements and even completion of community vaccinations to reduce the infection spread,” stressing the importance of the public to join forces with the efforts of the state and medical personnel to combat the coronavirus spread.

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