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KD 70 dinars for the sacrifice through charities

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Community Development launched the sacrifice project for the year 2021, granting advanced charities licenses to start collecting sacrifice shares, Al Qabas daily reported.

Some charities launched a portal for collecting sacrifice shares, leaving the choice of the country and place of the sacrifice to those willing to pay its share.

Informed sources said that licenses for the sacrificial animal project had been granted to each association separately. Licenses were granted to implement projects abroad within a group of countries, including Palestine, the Philippines, Syria, Albania, Yemen, Tajikistan, Bangladesh, in addition to a group of African countries.

Sacrifice prices

Kuwait – KD 70
Syria – KD 65
Albania – KD 45
Kyrgyzstan –  KD 38
Yemen –  KD 45
The Philippines –  KD33
Palestine –  KD110
Myanmar –  KD 280

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