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Jleeb suspect in police custory for taking protection money from expats

The Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh police have arrested an unidentified police impersonator for robbing expatriates in broad daylight. The suspect allegedly targeted expatriates because of their nature and a majority of them allegedly work for others other than their sponsors.

A local Arabic daily quoting security sources said the suspect had established for himself a special empire in Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh along with some accomplices who time and again used to bully the workers and sought from them ‘protection money’ until an unidentified Kuwait who learned that the suspects were taking money from expatriates particularly the Syrians and Indians, the complaint was filed with the Criminal Investigations Department and the main culprit was taken into custody after identifying him with the help of CCTV cameras installed in the area.

What is surprising is that this person was always seen accompanying personnel of official joint campaigns comprising personnel from the Kuwait Municipality and the Ministry of Interior without their knowledge and this is what was revealed by the CCTV cameras installed in the shops in the area. The suspect is being interrogated.

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