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Jleeb al-Shyoukh property owners complain of discrimination

Real estate and individual house owners in Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh area have complained about the discrimination and neglect of the area by government, which led to dilapidated buildings, damaged infrastructure and poor public services. The disregard for the area has resulted in social, economic and security problems that increase by the day.

Pointing out that specific clauses in the ownership law prevent them from selling their properties for 15 years, the owners demanded that the area be valued and acquired by the government for distributing as land to citizens for private housing. Another suggestion was to transform the area into a commercial or investment real estate. They warned that if their repeated pleas to the government continue to go unheeded they would have no other option than to resort to legal proceedings and threatening to resort to the judiciary to allow the sale of their properties that they have been denied to sell for 15 years.

Dr Muhammad Al-Haras, one of the residents,said there are two things that are not sold in Kuwait, namely, the properties of Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh and the cemeteries, as a result of administrative confusion, in not finding a solution to an area named Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh, which was established in 1965. He pointed out depriving over 1,600 people from selling their own properties is a violation of laws and humanitarian values.

Area holds about 400,000 expatriates, singles, and workers, and the government should think about finding housing for them, before thinking about removing them from the area, and this is contrary to humanitarian aspects, and this is evidence that there is no clear vision for the government in determining the time and how it will be resolved.

IFor his part, Rashid Al-Mutairi another local resident said that the area is ideal and strategically located, and it is an opportunity for the government to leverage this and transform the area into commercial, entertainment and tourist center,

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