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IWG members visit HORECA 2022

A delegation from the International Women’s Group (IWG) visited the ‘HORECA Kuwait 2022’ fair, which is specialized in the hospitality, food and beverage and food industries sectors; held this year at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

The delegation was received by General Manager of Leaders Group and Head of the Organizing Committee of the fair, Nabila Al-Anjari, Executive Director of the fair, Mohamed Najia, and Managing Director of the Hospitality Services Company, Joumana Dammous Salame.

Mrs. Al-Anjari and Mr. Najia gave a detailed description to the group’s delegation about the fair and its importance in encouraging tourism to Kuwait, as well as the important role this fair plays in marketing hotels and companies that supply them with various foodstuffs.

The delegation, accompanied by the exhibition officials, toured the participating pavilions, where it expressed its great admiration for the products offered by all the participating parties.

President of IWG and the wife of the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy, Cristiana Baldocci, thanked the organizers of the fair for this great and distinguished effort, expressing her happiness that life is returning to normal after two years of closure due to the pandemic.

On behalf of the IWG board and members, Mrs. Baldocci handed souvenir shields to Mrs. Al-Anjari, Mr. Najia and Mrs. Salame to express IWG’s gratitude for their great efforts in serving Kuwait. Mrs. Baldocci was also presented with a souvenir shield from Mrs. Al Anjari on behalf of HORECA fair organizers

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