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Internet, social media usage in Kuwait nearly 100 percent

Latest report from the International Data Portal Corporation, a leading global provider of market intelligence on the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology markets, shows that internet usage and social media subscribers were respectively 99 percent and 93 percent of the total population.

The data showed that Internet usage in Kuwait grew by 1.3 percent on an annual basis and as of January 2022 there were a total of 4.3 million Internet users in the country. This number represented 5.8 percent of the total 58.8 million Internet users in the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states. On the other hand, the percentage of social media users in Kuwait stood at 4.1 million, representing 6.9 percent of 58.9 million social media subscribers in the six GCC countries.

Additionally, the data revealed that there were 6.5 million subscribers to the mobile telecommunications companies in Kuwait, and that the subscriber base in Kuwait was 8.5 percent of the total 76.7 million mobile subscribers in the GCC.

Based on the data, Kuwait came first in terms of the number of Internet users, with 99 percent of the population being internet users. Qatar, Bahrain and the UAE also had similar close to 100 percent users, while in Saudi Arabia it was 97.9 percent and 95.8 percent in the Sultanate of Oman.

Kuwait came third spot in the GCC countries in proportion to social networking site subscribers to the total population, reaching 93 percent, while the UAE came first with 106 percent (10.65 million users), and Qatar was in second place with 99.8 percent (2.95 million people), compared to 87.8 percent for Bahrain, 83.2 percent for the Sultanate of Oman, and 82.3 percent for Saudi Arabia.

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