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Inter-faith families bond at IMA’s Iftar

Indian Muslim Association Kuwait (IMA) recently conducted an interfaith Iftar get-together for expatriates of all faith to promulgate the message of Ramadan at Dhoom Hall Abu Halifa. A large number of people from different walks of life attended and appreciated the program.

Jafar Sadik, IMA General Secretary presided over the function. Dr. Teresa Lesher, Manager TIES center Kuwait was the chief guest of the occasion.

Guest speaker, Venkata Siva Rao Koduri, President Life Again, Kuwait chapter appreciated the activities of IMA. He emphasized that fasting should not be limited to refraining from food, one must also refrain from evil and develop respect for each other’s faith.

Vinay Muthyala, President, Telengana Jagruthi Kuwait, commended IMA’s social and environmental activities like beach cleaning and tree plantation. He was of the opinion that it’s very important to learn each other’s faith. Dr. Ananthi Natarajan, President, Frontliners Association & Mr. Sai Devata, Chairman, Institute of Charted Accountants of India, Kuwait chapter also graced the occasion and commended IMA’s initiative for such programs.

Chief Guest of the evening Dr. Teresa Lesher, in her address, stressed on the importance of focusing on the similarities between different faiths rather than the differences. She said the Quran calls people to focus on the similarities.

Nisar Ahmad gave a presentation on the topic ‘Ramadan: A time for Reflection’ highlighting the importance of Ramadan and the Holy Quran. He explained some important topics of Quran such as the purpose of creation, the purpose of our life and elaborated on how the Quran can guide us in strengthening our relationship with our creator. He mentioned that the Quran was sent down in the month of Ramadan for the guidance of entire mankind. Quran is not a book of Muslims but it is for all the people. He encouraged people to read this book for guidance.

Keynote Speaker, Sharfuddin Soofi, speaking on the topic ‘Way to communal harmony’  emphasized on the importance of unity in diversity which helps people in building harmony in a multi-cultural society such as India, where people are from different religions, castes and ethnicity are living together since centuries. He emphasized that the majority of citizens are peace loving people, it’s our duty to defeat the small group that are promoting hatred.

An interactive quiz on ‘The Quran and Islam’ was also conducted by the convener during the program with participants giving the correct answers receiving gifts. A book stall was also organized to distribute Quran and other Islamic Literature. Many guests collected a copy of ‘The  Glorious Quran’ to study it.

The program started with the recitation of verses from ‘The Glorious Quran by Mohammad Abdul Rahman Munawwar’. Muazaffar Deshmukh, convener of the program introduced IMA and its activities. Danish Yaseen Bangi presented the vote of thanks. The program ended with an Iftar and buffet dinner.

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