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Infection with virus, contact with infected people hamper work

A big problem facing government institutions and to a lesser extent the private sector company is that hundreds of employees are submitting health certificates proving either they have come in contact with people infected with the ‘Coronavirus or they themselves are infected with the virus and this has slowed the pace of work.

The sources told Al-Rai, “After the Cabinet decision to reduce the number of employees in government institutions to 50 percent or according to the needs of each entity, a big number of institutions are suffering from a severe shortage of employees, and to add insult to injury the government has exempted some employees from attending work.

The sources employees who produce such certificates get between 5 and 7 days exemption from work (the quarantine period) until it is proven they are free of the virus. However, the rotation system among the employees has to some extent has eased the burden of work.

The daily added, most of the government institutions work for less than a quarter of their capacity, except for the judiciary and the Ministry of Health which work at full capacity.

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