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Indian man missing in Kuwait identified dead and mortal remains airlifted to India

Indian National Suresh Kumar Selvaraj reported missing for a month was identified as one of the victim killed in an accident happened last month in Salmiya. With the help of Indian Embassy Officials, his mortal remains were sent to India.

Suresh Kumar Selvaraj, who hailed from Tamilnadu’s Kadalur district and was working in Kuwait was reported missing in Kuwait last month. His family members were trying to reach and was unable to find his whereabouts for a month. His friends in Kuwait approached Social Worker Mathi to help in finding him.

Matter was taken up to Indian Embassy officials in Kuwait and they were trying to get the details about the missing person from Kuwait Authorities. Indian Embassy officials checked the details of the Indians admitted in the Kuwait Hospitals, if he was admitted in the hospital for any serious illness and checked with MoI officials for any prisoners if he is in the prison for any reasons. All their attempts wenr in vain as there were no proper information available about the person.

At last it was identified that he is one of the victim killed in the accident happened on 9th Jan 2023, where 4 people were died when they were run over by a car skidded and collided with a concrete barrier due to the rains on Balajat Street in Salmiya area.

Indian Embassy Officials provided all the necessary legal formalities to complete the procedure and his mortal remains were airlifted to Chennai on 10th Feb 2023 by Srilankan Airways. His body was first flown to Chennai and then taken to his native place ‘Kattumannar Koil’.

Social Workers Mr. Mathi and Mr. Alibai coordinated with Indian Embassy and the victim’s family/friends to identify the person and supported until his mortal remain reaches his hometown.

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