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Indian Embassy hosts successful Gabgha Event

The Embassy of India in Kuwait hosted a Ramadan Gabgah event on 11 April at the Embassy premises, which was attended by a large number of Kuwaiti friends, Ambassadors and diplomats and members of the Indian community. The event was a celebration of the holy month of Ramadan.

The Ramadan Gabgha event was organized to showcase the diversity of religions and faiths that co-exist in India with the Islamic faith being one of the strongest threads in it. India has one of the largest Muslim populations in the world with presence of different denominations as well. Islam came to India possibly during the very life time of Prophet Mohammed and the first mosque was built in India as early as in 7th century.

Ramadan is an important month in India and is celebrated across the country with great fervour and zeal. Different parts of the country have different variations of celebrations, particularly in terms of food. It is a month of family get-together, fasting, and most importantly charity in different forms.

The attendees were treated to traditional Indian instrumental music which was well received by the audience. A dinner with Indian delicacies was also enjoyed by the guests.

Speaking at the event with journalists , the Ambassador of India to Kuwait, His Excellency Dr Adarsh Swaika said, “We are delighted to host this Ramadan Gabgha event which is a celebration of the holy month of Ramadan and also an opportunity to strengthen the bond between the Indian and Kuwaiti communities. We are grateful to all those who attended the event and made it a success.”

Dr. Swaika expressed his happiness that his first posting in the region was Kuwait, pointing out that he feels fortunate to get to know the Kuwaiti people and their customs closely. He pointed out that he visited about 20 Kuwaiti diwaniyas  and several ghabqas, expressing his pride in the participation of Kuwaitis in this ancient heritage.

Regarding his meeting yesterday with the Deputy Foreign Minister, Ambassador Mansour Al-Otaibi, he said they discussed ways to develop bilateral relations between the two countries in all fields, and to prepare for the exchange of high-level official visits between the two countries.

He revealed that the political consultations between the two countries will soon be held in the Indian capital New Delhi next month, which will focus on diversifying the fields of cooperation from the oil and food sectors to other areas as well, including the pharmaceutical industries, the health sector, medical tourism, cooperation in the space field, information technology and all sectors that Kuwait may need.

The Gabgka event was well received from guests with many expressing their appreciation and the opportunity to experience warm Indian hospitality.

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