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Indian embassy annual Iftar brings community together

Indian Ambassador H E Sibi George hosted a grand Iftar reception for members of the Indian community after a gap of almost 2 years due to Covid restrictions

Keeping with tradition of marking Iftar with fellow citizens ambassador Sibi George invited a large cross section of the Indian community at the embassy premises.

Addressing the gathering Ambassador Sibi extended his greetings to the Kuwait leadership, citizens and residents. Pointing out that Ramadan was a month of inner reflection, patience, gratitude, love, humility and self-restraint. It gave an important message of serving the needy and the underprivileged. It also reaffirmed the importance of equality and compassion.

Ambassador also took the opportunity to highlight a few important developments in the bilateral relations between Kuwait and India in the last two years.

He further added that he strongly believed that the Indian community in Kuwait could play a very important role in further promoting these bilateral ties. Particularly in reaching out to their Kuwaiti friends and generate awareness among  Kuwaitis on India’s emergence as a very important player in international affairs and also the opportunities that India offers today.

He recalled the contribution of ICSG (Indian Community Support Group) in supply of food kits and in extending financial assistance to the families of those people who lost their lives to Covid 19 pandemic, while also mentioning the contributions made by other professionals, doctors, engineers, lawyers, businessmen and many volunteers who serve honestly.

In conclusion he noted that the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Kuwait and the celebrations to mark the 75th anniversary of India’s independence will continue throughout the year, inviting all Indians to join the Embassy in these celebrations.

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