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Indian Ambassador presides over Indian NEP event

Indian Ambassador HE Sibi George presided over an event organized by BPP, Kuwait on January 22. During the event, the Ambassador addressed the Indian diaspora in Kuwait about National Education Policy(NEP) by the Indian Minister of Education, Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank.

While speaking at the event, Ambassador Geroge said “It is indeed an honor to join this important address by Hon’ble Minister of Education, Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’. The Address on ‘Equitable and Inclusive Education, A Milestone towards “Aatmanirbhar Bharat” is so relevant and important today both within India and abroad.”

On behalf of the Indian community in Kuwait, he thanked the Indian Education minister for joining the event. Talking about India- Kuwait relationship He said, “India and Kuwait have a historic relationship that can be traced back to several centuries. The admiration and affection garnered by our Community is the outcome of the hard work put in by generations of our people working here contributing to the economic progress of this country. Every institution, every business, and every enterprise here in Kuwait has some positive story of engagement with India to tell, which makes us all proud. Kuwait, which is part of India’s extended neighborhood, today is a key partner in our economic progress, particularly in energy security and healthcare.”

India and Kuwait have a long-standing dynamic partnership involving several stakeholders such as business establishments, industry groups, universities, science and technology establishments, academicians, scholars, students, innovation, and research organizations.

Indian ambassador praised the ‘Self-reliant’ program by Indian Prime Minister and said, “Despite the many difficulties and challenges posed by Covid 19 pandemic, these stakeholders continue to contribute in building our partnership including in the Aatmanirbhar Bharat (Self-reliant India) program that Hon’ble Prime Minister launched to make India a global manufacturing hub, tapping into our abundant natural resource base, and employing our strong human resource capital. Today, as the pharmacy of the world, we are leading the fight against the pandemic, including by supplying our indigenous vaccine to several countries.”

Ambassador commended the BPP team in Kuwait for organizing the Webinar on an Important topic, New Education Policy. There are twenty-four CBSE Indian schools in Kuwait, imparting Indian education to nearly fifty thousand children.

The Ambassador said “There is an urgent need to address the requirement of higher education for the children who qualify from these schools. The only option for many today is to return to India. We are exploring the possibility to establish institutions of higher education in Kuwait in partnership with the best institutions in India. Equally important is the urgency to provide facilities for special needs education.”

India has one of the youngest populations in the world. “There is an abundance of talent, skill, appetite, innovative and creative energies, and above all the yearning, motivation, determination, and the high spirit of the youth. The desire and the will to succeed is hard to miss amongst the youth of India. I see a microcosm of this abundant energy and enthusiasm of Indian youth amongst the Indian students here in Kuwait. I have seen their resilience and fortitude as well while they faced the challenge of the ongoing pandemic. It is not easy to be confined to your homes, staying away from your friends, classmates, teachers, missing out on essential life skills and experiences.” said the Ambassador.

HE Sibi George recalled that immediately after the announcement of the New Education Policy many constructive debates and discussions were organized in Kuwait. The Ambassador said, “Does our education policy motivate our youth for a creative, curiosity, and commitment-driven life? Whether our education system empowers our youth and helps create an empowered society? These two basic questions that our Hon’ble Prime Minister raised in his address to higher education conclave in August 2020, resonated well with the teachers and students here.”

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