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India urges GCC to relax Covid-19 restrictions and facilitate the return of Indians to resume work

Indian External Affair Minister S Jaishankar

India has asked the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to facilitate the return of Indians who want to resume work with the relaxing of Covid-19-related restrictions, PTI reported.

More than eight million Indians live and work in West Asia, with a majority of them within the region covered by the GCC, which includes Kuwait, Bahrain,  Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.

Indian External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, during India’s strategic dialogue with the GCC countries “mentioned that a large number of Indian workers and professionals are now eager to return to the GCC countries to resume their work”.

Jaishankar urged the GCC leadership to facilitate their return through sustainable travel bubble arrangements with India”. He also thanked the GCC states for taking care of the large Indian diaspora during the pandemic and noted that India had taken special care to ensure the safe return of Indian health professionals to GCC countries.

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