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India, the most populous in the world, mid-2023

The United Nations expects India to become the world’s most populous country by mid-2023, overtaking China by about three million people, according to recently published figures.

According to a report by the United Nations Population Fund on the state of world population, the Indian people will include 1.4286 billion people, compared to 1.4257 billion people for China.

According to official data published at the beginning of the year, China’s population declined last year for the first time since 1960-1961, when the country suffered from a famine that began in 1959 and caused the death of tens of millions of people, due to errors in the economic approach adopted within the “Great Leap” policy.

Ironically, China’s population decline is taking place despite the softening of the birth control policy in recent years, after the Chinese were allowed only to have one child, they can have three children since 2021.

Agence France-Presse said that this demographic decline in general is due to the cost of living, which has increased dramatically in China, as well as the cost of raising a child.

The level of educational attainment of women has also increased, which also leads to postponing pregnancy.

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