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India sees 128 deaths, 3,277 COVID-19 infections

Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said COVID-19 deaths on Sunday were 128 while positive cases in the last 24 hours were 3,277 as hundreds of stranded Indians abroad landed in several airports.

The Ministry, in its morning update, said that with the fresh deaths, COVID-19 fatalities’ toll in the country soared to 2,109 while positive cases rose to 62,939.

So far, 19,358 people were discharged from hospitals after they recovered. Maharashtra is considered the worst hit Indian state with 779 deaths and 20,228 positive cases followed by Gujarat with 472 deaths and 7,796 positive cases as the pandemic hit 33 Indian states.

Meanwhile, hundreds of stranded Indians landed today in several airports on board Air India flights while an Indian Navy ship arrived from Maldives carrying hundreds more.

The move to bring back stranded Indians abroad came following continuous demand from host countries and the expatriates and their families.

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