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IMA conducts online program to commemorate Arafat Day

Indian Muslim Association (IMA), Kuwait conducted a program to commemorate “Arafat Day” (Youm ul Arafa) ‘in coordination with ministry of awqaf and Islamic Affairs Kuwait’ through Zoom Webinar on 15th July 2021. The objectives of the program were to spread the message and importance of “the last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)” and general awareness on sacrifice of animals during Idul Adha. The sermon was delivered by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH} on the “Arafat Day” from the “Mountain of Mercy during “The Farewell Pilgrimage” known as “Hujjatul Vada”

Nisar Ahmad, an authorized khateeb and a renowned speaker in Kuwait, emphasized that the message of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his last Hajj sermon was a charter for “Human Rights” to have a peaceful and harmonious life for all human beings not only for Muslims.

The main message of His last Hajj sermon was that all human beings are equal except that those who were pious and fearful of Almighty Allah (God) were the most respectful. The Holy Prophet PBUH, on that occasion, said that their Lord was one, and that their father was one and all human beings were from Adam, and Adam was created from dust and the most honorable of them in view of God, was the most pious of them. Prophet (PBUH) on that occasion said that there was no preference for one over the other except with piety. He (PBUH) also said that each and every person has the right to protection of his life, property and honor. He (PBUH) stressed that women have proper economic and social rights and ask the men to have best behavior towards them. He (PBUH) explained that men had some rights on women and women also had some rights on men. Their behavior should be best towards women for the best society. He (PBUH) said also that a person should be trustworthy and should fulfil his obligations honestly whatever is entrusted to him; follow the book of Allah (The Quran) and His sunnah, should practice all obligations assigned to believers by Almighty Allah (God). He (PBUH) said that a person should be practicing the acts of brotherhood & forgiveness.

The speaker narrated that on that event Prophet (PBUH) Publicized, “Allah has forbidden you to take usury, therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequality. Thus Prophet (PBUH) ended the practice of usury and prohibited its practice to maintain the economic balance among the society. The speaker concluding his speech said that Prophet (PBUH) also made everyone responsible to propagate His message to those who were not present on that occasion, which had two meanings; one those who were not there at that time and second were the coming generations.

A question-and-answer session was also arranged in the program on awareness of sacrifice of animals carried out during “Eidul Adha” and its importance. Questions from Audience regarding various aspects of Eidul Adha were entertained; satisfactory and proper answers were given by two of IMA scholars Maulana Umar Falahi and Maulana Waleed Umri.

The program was attended and appreciated by overwhelming number of attendees.

IMA Kuwait is an Indian socio-religious organization in Kuwait which carries out its various activities under the patronage of “Ministry of Awqaaf” & “Islamic Affairs”, Kuwait. IMA Kuwait always focusses to provide platform for enhancement of expatriates living in Kuwait for their spiritual & social aspect through various programs & webinars. It looks forward for organizing various beneficial programs in future, considering the occasions and requirements of expatriates in general and specifically Indian fraternity in Kuwait.

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