The Indian Community School, Amman celebrated the KG graduation Day on 16th March. During which around 200 enthusiastic graduates of Amman, adorned in graduation gowns and caps were applauded.
The ceremony started with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by the Kuwait and Indian National Anthems. The programme was then inaugurated by the lighting of the ceremonial lamp by the Guest of Honour, Ms. Anchitha Kethwas, IFS, Second Secretary, Consular, Commerce, Investment and Education, Embassy of India, Principal of ICSK Amman, Mr. Rajesh Nair, Vice Principal, Dr. Mary Isaac and KG Supervisor Dr. Jeyadevi Ramachandran.
The upper kindergarten students welcomed the guests with energetic performances, followed by the Principal’s welcome address. In his speech, Principal Mr. Rajesh Nair congratulated the students and teachers.
The Guest of Honour, Ms. Anchitha Kethwas, complimented the young graduates on their achievements and congratulated the teachers for their hard work.
Ms. Anchita was honoured by a memento which was followed by the felicitation speech by the Vice Principal of the school. In her speech, she reminded parents to spend quality time with the children and adopt positive parenting.
The event was a joyous and memorable one as everyone witnessed their young learners receiving the graduation certificates. The children later expressed their gratitude towards the management of the school, teachers, staff and parents and shared their thoughts and memories during the years.
The programme ended with vote of thanks by the KG Supervisor, Dr. Jeyadevi Ramachandran where she wished good luck to the graduates and congratulated the entire team for their relentless effort and commitment in making the event a memorable one.