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Hundreds of Kuwaitis evacuated from Lebanon

Heeding the advice of Kuwait’s Foreign Ministry, Kuwaiti citizens who were on vacation or on business in Lebanon have decided to cut short their stay and leave the country.

By Monday, over 300 Kuwaiti citizens had been evacuated from Lebanon. The evacuees who had gathered at the country’s embassy were transported to Beirut International Airport under Lebanese army escort and flown home from there.

Widespread anger over economic hardship had spiralled into unrest across the country last week, with protesters calling for urgent reforms and an end to rampant corruption. Evacuees returning to Kuwait spoke of harrowing scenes on the streets, with one Kuwaiti saying, “Since Thursday, we have not left the hotels for fear of our safety as a result of chaos in the streets.”

In some parts of the country, angry protesters blocked roads and torched tyres. Some stores were also looted. “All shops have been closed as a result of chaos in the streets where tyres are burnt and stores are smashed.The situation is terrible,” said Dalal Ahmad after her arrival at the Kuwait International Airport.

Several countries have warned their nationals against travelling to Lebanon and advised those who are already there to leave immediately.



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