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Housing provides 96 buildings in Al-Mutla’a with solar energy

The Public Authority for Housing Welfare announced it has designed a solar energy system for 96 buildings in Al-Mutla’a city, which has a production capacity of 8,402 megawatts. This comes in the implementation of the objectives of the country’s development plan and the sustainable development goals of the United Nations.

Al-Rai quoting Housing sources indicated it has implemented the solar energy system in the residential buildings in West Abdullah Al-Mubarak, East Taima, and Jaber Al-Ahmad.

It pointed out that it has completed the installation of the solar energy system in 90 buildings in the West Abdullah Al-Mubarak area with a production capacity of 7.514 megawatts. It said the solar panels that will be installed in East Taima and Jaber Al-Ahmad will reach between 15 and 20 percent of the consumption rate of each building; saying the aim is to rationalize consumption and contribute to reducing the electrical burden on the national grid.

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